20-Day Paleo Challenge

On June the 5th I have a university ball with my friends. I bought a dress last year (around March) that was on sale and only had one size left. It fit me perfectly and was a pretty good price so I bought it. I have wanted to go to a university ball so I bought the dress to wear when I decided to go to one.

TRAGEDY. I tried the dress on last night to make sure it still fits me. It seems to be a size too small now! I was thinner last year as I was pretty sick with stomach issues. While I still do have some issues with my stomach, I am feeling better this year and have put on a few kilos. I haven’t gained that much weight but if I want to wear my dress in a few weeks I will need to be stricter with what I eat.

I have decided to do a 20-day paleo challenge! Not only will this help me lose weight (no grains or bad sugary stuff), it will allow me not to eat dairy or gluten (which I am sensitive to anyway and suffer from bloating when I eat these foods) and I will get to try out this way of eating to see what all the fuss is about!

I try to stay away from gluten as often as possible because I feel pretty lousy when I eat it but dairy is harder to resist! The only time dairy really affects me is when I drink cow’s milk. However, I am super excited to try this way of eating! I will post again about this after I have finished the challenge to let you know what I think about this way of eating, if my symptoms have reduced and most importantly if I fit into my dress!!

I will start the challenge tomorrow (Monday May 18th) and finish it the day after the ball (Saturday June 6th). I will also try to post any recipes, tips, tricks or meal plans I come across during my two weeks of eating like a cave lady.

If you eat the paleo way I’d love to hear any advice or recipes you have for me.

Wish me luck!

Jordie xo

The Paleo Way

Since watching The Perfect Human Diet I have been really interested in trying this way of eating to see what all the fuss is about! I hope that soon I can try a paleo eating challenge.

I found some pictures that basically describe the paleo diet in a simple way:

Picture credit to: greatist.com

I really hope that this can help my gut issues!

The things I am worried about concerning this way of eating is going cold turkey on grains and dairy products. I don’t drink milk, but I do add butter to things that I cook and like to have cheese occasionally. I do have grains at least once a day and I worry that I might be left feeling hungry for the first few days until I adjust!

Another issue that I have is with breakfast. If you like eggs then this way of eating will be no problem for you but I really really dislike eggs. Okay, partly true. The only part of the egg I like is the yolk, but the whites.. ew. I have really tried to like egg whites, I really have. I tried mixing them into the yolks and making scrambled eggs which didn’t help much (still ew). I made eggs sunny side up (removed most of the white but left some so I would eat it) and let the yolk dribble over what little white I had left.. but much to my disappointment.. still extremely ew. I was thinking maybe a green smoothie? If anyone has any ideas please comment below as I’d love to hear!

I also suffer from seasonal allergies so I hope eating the paleo way can help with this.

To make this diet even better I will try to incorporate bone broth as often as I can. Bone broth (broth made with good quality meat bones) has many health benefits including:

* speeding up the recovery of an illness

* healing and sealing the gut lining (important if you suffer from leaky gut)

* fights inflammation

* promotes healthy hair and nail growth

* promotes strong and healthy bones

* reduces joint pain

* promotes easy digestion of the valuable nutrients found in the bone broth

I am thinking of trying the paleo way in the next few weeks. I’ll keep you updated!

Jordie xo