Bee the Change!

“Remove the bee from the earth and at the same stroke you remove at least one hundred thousand plants that will not survive.” Canadian Bee Journal 1941, Albert Einstein

Bee lovers, we have a problem! There has been a huge drop in bee numbers over the past 50 years and since the 1990’s, bee farmers have noticed the sudden disappearances of bee colonies and the high reduction rates of bee hives. Hundreds of food sources rely on bees and other insects for their pollination and if we were to lose bees, food production would be greatly devastated.

Causes of bee decline:

“The main reasons for global bees-decline are industrial agriculture, parasites/pathogens and climate change. The loss of biodiversity, destruction of habitat and lack of forage due to monocultures and bee-killing pesticides are particular threats for honeybees and wild pollinators. It is becoming increasingly evident that some insecticides, at concentrations applied routinely in the current chemical-intensive agriculture system, exert clear, negative effects on the health of pollinators – both individually and at the colony level. The observed, sub-lethal, low-dose effects of insecticides on bees are various and diverse.” –

In other words, insecticides and other chemicals used in mainstream industrial agriculture are hurting the bees and other insects that pollinate. Insecticides are used to kill insects and bees and they are used on most crops which is having a deadly effect on bee numbers.

How can I help? 

You may be thinking, I am just one small person. What difference can I make to save the bees?

But the small things you do can help the global movement to save the bees. Think about this, a large group of people doing something small is a lot better than one person going it alone! Here are some ideas on how you can contribute to help save the bees.

1. Plant bee friendly plants in your garden. These plants naturally encourage bee activity and pollination.

A list of bee friendly plants

My baby brother is even helping out! He has a lavender plant in his garden and the other day he picked a bunch of lavender flowers.

My 3 year old brother picking some lavender

2. Buy local honey and bee products. Here in Australia, we have this wonderful honey called Manuka Honey. My Dad mixes this honey with organic lemons and warm filtered water to make the yummiest lemon drink! You can also get honey soap, honey skin care and even local honeycomb – yum!

3. Stop using insecticides and herbicides in your garden and stay away from other chemicals like Roundup.

4. Build a native bee house in your backyard. Surround this bee house with bee loving plants and in no time at all, little native bees will be filling your garden and pollinating all of your flowers and plants.

5. Talk to your local government about supporting bees.

6. Support local, sustainable farmers.

7. Sign this Greenpeace petition: “Add your voice to thousands of people around the world who want to protect the bees by banning bee-killing pesticides and unsustainable industrial agriculture and promoting ecological farming. The more people who sign, the more we can influence the governments and companies who can act to save the bees.” –

You will have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to find the petition.

I hope this post inspires you to do something (even if its small) to help save our bees! Is there anything you do already or have any other ideas to help save the bees?

Jordie xo

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